Kirkcaldy Bands
The Rocket Men of Leven

Well lets see..The first thing you need
to know about 'Rockets Revenge' is
that we are no longer together!! We
split up after almost 5 years together
around 1998 or so. But...our music
lives on and will never die!

exactly why its on here for todays
kids to enjoy. Well..thats the idea
anyway... We were formed in the Cold
East Coast Town of Leven in
Fife,Scotland in 1994 and existed
solely on a diet of Goth, Metal and Punk
and a diet of Cheap Crisps and lots
of strong Cider which soon became a
big influence on our music!!

We partied hard and had a good time
doing it
but, like all good things it had to
end sometime...and so it did....Live
we were animated, fun and fueled
with nonsense..In our time we recorded
one Studio Cd and the tracks from it
are below..

The songs live on for a
new audience here to breathe new
life into them..We hope that you enjoy
and that our old tunes brighten up
your day...A review of us once said
'the Future Stirs in Scotland' and
for a while it just might have.

Update: We were recently played, a couple
of times, on KrushRadio,
Chicago, which was nice.. Thanks DJ
Bratprince!! And were once
featured on Radio Scotlands 'Beat
Patrol' Programme..maybe we aint dead
yet! lol...

Rockets are dead..long live Rockets!!!!
Peace and love to all
here... Rab, ex guitarist, Rockets
Revenge Fife Scotland

Mark (Sonic Vocals) Alan (Stun Guitar)
Fiona (Thunder Bass) Rab (Throb
Guitar) The Mysterious Dr.Bob
(Drums) Cider Cheap Crisps Ghosts and Ghouls
Influences: oh god loads...ermmm a
few we might mention...

the Buzzcocks, Joy Division, The Leather Nun, The Cure, The Chameleons,
Seam, Husker Du, 80's U.K Goth, 70's U.K Punk, 80's U.K. Heavy Metal,
Gun Club, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Mega City 4, Leatherface, Black
Sabbath, Motorhead, Rush, Saxon, The Cult, The Skids, The Sisters Of
Mercy,The Damned, The Sex Pistols, The Clash, Crass, The Rezillos, The
Cramps, Rose Of Avalanche and many many others far too numerous to

Like: We were described as many things..Joy Division
on drugs, The
Damned, Early Cure, The Buzzcocks, Early U2, The Chameleons, The
Pumpkins 'went wrong' and a strange fuse of Goth,Pop,Punk and Metal
with a
strangely Scottish feel and slant.
Where did you all first meet?
Alan (Guitarist),Rab (Guitarist) and Mark (Vocalist) were all at School
together, then attended College
together..Fiona (Bass) was Alans Girlfriend and a pal of Rabs..Dr. Bob
(Drums) came from the pieces when the
Space Shuttle exploded!!
How long have you been writing music?
The Band is now Disbanded but Rockets Revenge were together for almost
5 years..
Where was the first place you recorded
your music?
On a 4 Track Recorder in Mark and Alan's living room..they are brothers
and shared a flat in Leven, town
where we live!
Who was the first person who listened
to your music? Family etc.
Family and friends who had been into Mark and Alan's previous
group, 'The Schoolhouse'..great Indie Punky
stuff, Rab was their Roadie!
When was your first single?
First Professional Studio Recording a year after we got together..put
down five tracks..then 2 years later
did a second Studio Session with another 5 Tracks completed....Had to
wait a while to save the money to go the
Studio! Radio Scotland 'Beat Patrol' played 'Snakeskin'
though...Woohoo! :0)
Do you have girlfriends/Boyfriends?
Mark is Engaged, Rab is Married, Fiona has a man,Alan has a lady and
Dr.Bob has his Circuit Diagrams and
Female connectors!
What do you want to do in the future?
hmmmmmm.Campaign for World Peace, Save The Fluffy Bunnies and Drink The
E.E.C. Cider lake dry..oh, and
continue making Music of some sort...
Who are your fave unsigned
There is such a wealth of Talent on The Besonic mp3 site...We
appreciate and enjoy Greenhill, Oppossum
Overdrive,Neutrino,Jackieonassid,Suicidal Poets,Bad
Plumbing,Jody,Chilli, and there are many more bands who
have a sound that makes it clear they love what they do and they live
for their particular style of
music..We like integrity in a Band's sound..
Who are your fave signed music
wow..there are many...mainly Rock/Indie/Alernative/Goth Bands,
especially from the 80's scene..The
Chameleons,The cult,The Gun Club,Seam,Husker Du,The Buzzcocks, The
Damned,The Sex Pistols,T.Rex,Rose of
Avalanche,All About Eve,Sugar,The Cramps,Radiohead,Smashing
Pumpkins,Motorhead,Black Sabbath,Rush,Red Lorry
Yellow Lorry,New Model Army,Crass,The Clash,The Rezillos,the
Mission,Sisters of Mercy,Suicide,New York
Dolls,the Smiths,Patti Smith,Blue Oyster Cult,Placebo,Jesus and Mary
Chain,The Velvet Underground,Captain
America,Teenage Fanclub,Jane's Addiction,Ned's Atomic Dustbin....and
the list could go on..phew..knackered
Songs you can play and
All Mine
All of This
Atmospheric Pressure
Bad Love
to Psychic Vampires
Worship (Instrumental)
Boy, Jet Girl (Live)
My Sympathy
On Fire
Porno Star
Thing (Original Mix)
Like You
Sweet Oblivion
Vitamin Pills