Tucked away in it's own little corner of cyberspace, it's Pooheads.com.
What's on this site?
The Cyberspace home of the Pooheads (What a waste of Cyberspace):
The last resting place of the Kirkcaldy Alternative Bands of the 1980's:
This is a slimmed down version of the site that went live in 2000. I've taken the site down to different web hosting company. The only real difference is that a lot of the downloadable MP3's that were on the Kirkcaldy Bands section, and some of the more hopeless Pooheads songs have been removed. I reckoned that, as the site has been up for two years, most people who were interested will have downloaded the Kirckaldy Bands material they wanted. However I have left the buttons in place to indicate what was there, so if there is anyone still out there who has not heard this music again and is interested in getting some MP3's - just e-mail me at one e-mail addresses below and I'll be happy to e-mail whatever MP3's anyone is interested in.
Tom 29th June 2002.
Important note: Due to a technical blunder which was entirely my fault, we didn't get any e-mails on these addresses between March 2002 and Jan 2003. So sorry if you have been trying to get in touch! However, Just send another now - all is working again.
Please visit the Cylinders Web Site, on MP3t!